''The Adventures of Sebastian the Fox'' is a 1963 Australian children's series. The show combined a string puppet, a mischievous fox named Sebastian, who was placed in real-life settings. It was among the first shows of its kind produced in Australia, as it was very different from earlier Australian children's series like ''Peters Club'' and ''Tarax Show''. The Sebastian puppet was designed and operated by puppeteeer Peter Scriven. The music was composed by George Dreyfus, who became a leading Australian composer.〔("George Dreyfus - Sebastian's Greatest Adventure" ) accessed 25 March 2013〕 The score was subsequently arranged by Dreyfus for various small ensemble combinations for performance by young musicians as a complete concert. ==Episodes== #''Sebastian and the Sausages'' - Sebastian steals sausages cooked by a tramp. #''Sebastian and the Burglar'' - Sebastian seeks refuge in a house at the same time as a burglar. #''The Bomb'' #''The Animal Catcher'' - Sebastian is caught by a pet catcher #''The Sleepwalkers'' - Sebastian dresses up as a ghost #''The Showman'' - a greedy showman exploits Sebastian's talents as a violinist #''The Gold Mine'' - Sebastian buys a gold mine. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Sebastian the Fox」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク